Sunday, 11 December 2011

Our BB Christmas fayre ...

A big well done to all the parents and friends and officers and boys for a really big effort making the first Christmas Fayre in over 10 years a hugh success!!  From the selling of programmes by the boys, to the cake making, Father Christmas, teas, coffees, olde fashion stalls like hook-de-duck, and guess the weight of the cake.  A fantastic turn out - and alot of money raised - nearly £500 towards the proposed new hall extension.

We tried not to clash with the local church fayre so we had to adjust the start time, and captain Dave was booked up for the afternoon so was unavailable - but he did do alot of preparation to make the whole day exceed all our expectations.

It was a great combination of boot fare clutter, home made preserves and cakes, raffles, and entertaining stalls to help people spend their money!!  And our own cafe for the older folk to sit and relax and feel welcome in our hall.

nice one lads and lasses - same time next year!!

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