Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Birthing pool baptism and the fire that followed ...

Sunday was another opportunity to visit our old POW (Place of Worship) CBCF where the son of my ole school mate from Bluecoat days was getting baptised. Yes I am beginning to feel old! A bit disappointed the tables weren't out as they normally are on a Sunday morning for us to sit around - but then again the hall was packed without tables. Great to hear that personal prophecy and words of knowledge aren't dead! Quite refreshing to hear so may from such a range of people- quite envious!!

The birthing pool was a novelty - no reasonably sized human could ever lie down in it so you have to stand at one side and as you descend into a kneeling position the guys doing the bap will lower you backwards til you go totally under - but how much needs to remain dry before it is announced null and void!!  And why don't babies drown when they are born in one of these?!!!!!  DER!  I hope they washed it!

And afterwards for some serious nosh from around the planet - arrived at 10:20 - left at after 3:00 and it felt normal - apart from the small fire that I put out with my coffee!  I think a child may have plugged the water heater back in - without it being in water which isn't good!  and it just caught fire.  Baptism and fire in the same service cant all be bad!!

It was good to hear the Healing On The Streets (HOTS) had a guy waiting half hour for the team to arrive because his mate had been healed the previous week!  WOW!!  And they had a constant stream of people this week that wanted prayer - again envious - living the dream!!

And the sermon - with PowerPoint - Read the Bible, Pray, Fellowship - if you keep to these then you wont go far wrong!  Nice one Mike - Good to hear the good ole beach missions getting another mention!  And lets not forget Joseph leading the worship and Peter on the drums - that was refreshing to see "da youff" being utilised.  A good time was had by all - well done!

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