Friday, 25 November 2011

Prepare for the worst ...

ok - I didn't see that one coming.  My apologees to Boris the Blade for bad judging the £40m cash move from the Fire Brigade budget to the Police.  I can now see your hands were tied and the decision was made higher up the food chain.  The "justification" in the news of the dawn raids on know drug dealers (Operation Hawk) where some 270 arrests across all the London boroughs, that was just a smoke screen!  I'm sorry but why does a £40m incentive suddenly get mass police co-ordination doing the arrests that should have been done any way.

No, the bigger picture - the boarder control strikes is the tip of the iceberg.  The fiasco with Brodie Clark and Theresa May is a whitewash - it is a hint that there is going to be a serious problem - the strike action is the start but things could then get alot worse.

My theory is the £40m is to be used to minimise the mass civil disobedience that is anticipated as the UK unemployment escalated and immigration becomes the scapegoat.

Is £40m enough?  Why not invest a bit of money in a new version of the X Factor where people queue up to present their ideas to a panel of politicians, businessmen and economists on what we could do to boost the economy in the UK, and then help drag the planet out of this hole!!  First prize - you get to spend the day with the Queen!!

On the other hand, if Boris was the top of the food chain and he made the decision to move the £40m - shame on you!!!

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