As you may or may not know, I created the website for Templehouse Publishing for Adam. And his book The Jesus Discovery is well worth the cost if you want to know more about who Jesus was and who his father Joseph was. Sad to say I have gone years with the thinking that Jesus was a carpenter, just as I thought the fruit that Adam and Eve ate was an apple! The book suggests another school of thought as to the profession of Joseph and who Jesus was in the society He lived in.
During reading this book I couldn't help but repeatedly thinking "oh that bit makes more sense now!". The idea that Joseph was an architect working on building the Temple for Herod, to Jesus being a rabbi rather then just an ordinary uneducated citizen makes more sense. He knew the Torah because he spent His "missing years" studying it in the Temple. Taught by word-of-mouth rather then being read from a book.
Jesus is God - a part of the Holy Trinity. He is co-eternal. He was there in "the beginning". He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit and as such Jesus would have been co-author of The Ten Commandments or Ten Words or Decalogue. So He knew the spirit behind what these words where about. So from His Spirit He could talk confidently to rabbis and teachers of the law about what they really meant having divine insight. When He lost His parents (or His parents lost Him!) He was found teaching the teachers - at a very young age, and they where amazed! I have never appreciated that Jesus had any involvement in the writting of history in the Old Testament - He as strictly New Testament!! DER!!
If I owned a big software company and found an 8 year old boy that could write very good Perl scripts and was teaching me things I didn't know after spending my life studying the language, I would but him on the payroll!! Adam Bradford suggests the same - Jesus would have been "encouraged" into spending more time in the temple teaching the teachers new things - things they previously didn't understand. And they would have wanted Him there as much as possible. "not today guys - I've got to help my dad make tables and chairs" - I dont think so!! "We'll pay for that - and keep your family happy. You just keep teaching us what you know!" is a more lightly scenario.
After watching the Revelation TV interview of Adam, I discover how poor the English translation of our Bible really is. A lot has been lost over the years in terms of "context". Just looking at modes of transport in those days is very interesting, and how people communicated over long distances. Mark chapter 8 gives an account (I hate the term "tells the story"!) of Jesus feeding 4000. A familiar story but look again - "some of them have come a long distance". "Long distance" in our time is different to "long distance" in Jesus' time. Consider how those people who travelled "a long distance" would have even heard that Jesus would be at a "remote place" at a certain time. And what was their mode of transport. Was Jesus just a carpenter doing some spare time preaching?!! Or was He a very interesting "Teacher of the Law" that was recognised by His attire?
Jesus spent a lot of time in various synagogues teaching. Can any Joe Bloggs go into a synagogue and teach? He appears to be respected by rabbis and pharisees to the extent that they followed Him and listened to His every word. Something has been lost in translation!!
I would urge you to buy the book ;) and have a read for yourself. If you conclude that Adam is wrong in his school of thought then please let me and him know!!
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